i am using Odoo CE V11. I have a problem to solve.
I buy a product A and I have a different uoms:
Unit of Measure g (grams)
Purchase Unit of Measure box (x 10g) [i have create this that is 10 times bigger than g)
Beacuse I buy from my supplier 1 box with 10grams, now I found another supplier that sell the same product in box of 25g
I need to order the same product and not create a new one because I consume product A in a Bom in grams.
The problesm is that I have create the two different lines in sale tab of the product but the uom is always box(x 10g), I can't change it.
There is a way to change the uom on supplier product line, so when I order it I can get the right supplier price.
Thank you
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