Hi Everyone,
I have tried to work with ODOO for years, and every year I LET GO because of the lot errors I get when I'm trieng to install addons or configuring the system.
The last year I purchased ODOO 10 Entreprise and didn't used it for the same problems (500 internal error, 403 eroor .... ), and when try to fix that it gets worse.
This Month I decided to try again and fix the problems whatever it takes (i'm a software developer by the way).
So I installed the ODOO 11 Entreprise in Windows (First Time with odoo in windows), After 5 days of configuring odoo and installing all the modules I needed in my company, and adding clients, partners, products, accounting details ... and everything work like a charm. and guess what !? After i Logged out of my session and want to login again I GET 403 Error.
3 Days of searching the web for a solution !! NOTHING fixed the problem
After that I get the Error (500 Internal server error).
I decided to read all the codes in the files of odoo to inderstand how it works, and VOILA I found some lines in (ir_model.py -- addons\base\ir\ ) file, when I commented this lines EVERYTHING works nicely and without any error since.
Those are the lines commented :
# if not r:
# # there is no specific rule. We check the generic rule
# self._cr.execute("""SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN perm_{mode} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
# FROM ir_model_access a
# JOIN ir_model m ON (m.id = a.model_id)
# WHERE a.group_id IS NULL
# AND m.model = %s
# AND a.active IS TRUE""".format(mode=mode),
# (model,))
# r = self._cr.fetchone()[0]
# if not r and raise_exception:
# groups = '\n\t'.join('- %s' % g for g in self.group_names_with_access(model, mode))
# msg_heads = {
# # Messages are declared in extenso so they are properly exported in translation terms
# 'read': _("Sorry, you are not allowed to access this document."),
# 'write': _("Sorry, you are not allowed to modify this document."),
# 'create': _("Sorry, you are not allowed to create this kind of document."),
# 'unlink': _("Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this document."),
# }
# if groups:
# msg_tail = _("Only users with the following access level are currently allowed to do that") + ":\n%s\n\n(" + _("Document model") + ": %s)"
# msg_params = (groups, model)
# else:
# msg_tail = _("Please contact your system administrator if you think this is an error.") + "\n\n(" + _("Document model") + ": %s)"
# msg_params = (model,)
# _logger.info('Access Denied by ACLs for operation: %s, uid: %s, model: %s', mode, self._uid, model)
# msg = '%s %s' % (msg_heads[mode], msg_tail)
# raise AccessError(msg % msg_params)
# return bool(r)
So my question is :
- How this lines affect my system ? and is commenting this line well give some problems in the future ?
- Odoo 11.0e+e-20180323 (Enterprise Edition)
- Windows system
- Modules installed :
base.module_crm |
base.module_project |
base.module_stock |
base.module_mrp |
base.module_sale_management |
base.module_mail |
base.module_hr_holidays |
base.module_account_invoicing |
base.module_account_accountant |
base.module_quality |
base.module_website |
base.module_helpdesk |
base.module_purchase |
base.module_hr |
base.module_hr_expense |
base.module_board |
base.module_contacts |
base.module_marketing_automation |
base.module_web_studio |
base.module_mass_mailing |
base.module_maintenance |
base.module_calendar |
base.module_fleet |
base.module_im_livechat |
base.module_mrp_repair |
Best regards
It is not possible to give you help or answers, because you do not provide the information necessary.
I can only comment:
1. Do not use Windows, if you are not forced to. The most common deployments are on Ubuntu and therefore you also have the best chances to get help.
2. What you did is for sure not recommended and it will most probably screw your deployment sooner or later.
3. You have to identify the causes. The key to your problems is the Odoo log. Please read this log and troubleshoot the issues.
4. Revert to Odoo support first, when you pay for Enterprise.