I want to create a ribbon widget like the one in Odoo 13 and I am able to get the UI as I want but dynamic attributes using attrs attribute are not working. The last widget tag with the attribute title="SUCCESS" is always visible.
Here is the js code
odoo.define('web.ribbon', function (require) {
'use strict';
var widgetRegistry = require('web.widget_registry');
var Widget = require('web.Widget');
var RibbonWidget = Widget.extend({
template: 'web.ribbon',
xmlDependencies: ['/my_crm/static/src/xml/ribbon.xml'],
init: function (parent, data, options) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.text = options.attrs.title || options.attrs.text;
this.bgColor = options.attrs.bg_color;
this.aTTRS = options.attrs.attrs;
widgetRegistry.add('web_ribbon', RibbonWidget);
return RibbonWidget;
Here is the xml (static) code
<t t-name="web.ribbon">
<div class="ribbon ribbon-top-right" t-att-attrs="widget.aTTRS">
<span t-att-class="widget.bgColor ? widget.bgColor : 'bg-success'">
<t t-esc="widget.text"/>
Here is the xml (back end view) code
<widget name="web_ribbon" title="DANGER" bg_color="bg-danger"
attrs="{'invisible': [('x_brut_margin', '>', 5)]}"/>
<widget name="web_ribbon" title="WARNING" bg_color="bg-warning"
attrs="{'invisible': ['|',('x_brut_margin', '<=', 5),('x_brut_margin', '>', 20)]}"/>
<widget name="web_ribbon" title="SUCCESS"
attrs="{'invisible': [('x_brut_margin', '<', 20)]}"/>
Here is the rendered html code
<div class="ribbon ribbon-top-right" attrs="{'invisible': [('x_brut_margin', '>', 5)]}">
<span class="bg-danger">
<div class="ribbon ribbon-top-right"
attrs="{'invisible': ['|',('x_brut_margin', '<=', 5),('x_brut_margin', '>', 20)]}">
<span class="bg-warning">
<div class="ribbon ribbon-top-right" attrs="{'invisible': [('x_brut_margin', '<', 20)]}">
<span class="bg-success">