Hi all,
I need to create a field in invoice lines, with predefault = public_price but with the possibility to override this value.
Also, in case the product on the line is changed, the value must be updated.
I've tried with the following code, but it doesn't work:
x_prod_list_price = fields.Float(required=False, related='product_id.list_price', readonly=False, store=False)
def _cust_onchange_product_id(self):
if not self.invoice_id:
_logger.warning('not self.invoice_id')
_logger.warning('onchage prewrite x_prod_list_price = (%s)',self.product_id.list_price)
self.write({'x_prod_list_price': self.product_id.list_price})
_logger.warning('Onchage postwrite: (%s)', self.x_prod_list_price)
Any help?