I'm trying to generate a xml file after a form submission and I'm experience some problems with Odoo 11. Can't find the correct way to make it.
Where can I find a good example on how to make it ?
On previous versios it could be used this way:
on top:
from lxml import etree as et
in the class inside a def:
self.xmlns = "urn:OECD:XMLFileGenerated"
attrib={ 'xmlns': self.xmlns,
#'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation' : "saft-pt.xsd"
root = et.Element("GenFile", attrib = attrib )
header = et.SubElement(root, 'Header', xmlns=self.xmlns)
header.tail = '\n'
root.append( self._get_masters(cr, uid, ids, context=context) )
Thank you,
Hi Paulo,
Have you solved your problem?
I have noticed that you are working on saf-t, is it correct?
Please advise
Best regards
Paulo Matos