My business is to be an intermediate : my suppliers sell goods to my customer, i take a commission, for example 8%. I already configured a price list to be 92 % rebate, so the price on an order is 8%, this is my commission.
Also, i have the supplier prices for each product, around 10 for each products. I have more than 1000 products. I'm using the vendor price liste for that, and the price list is pretty big.
I need 2 modifications in the sale order :
1- When i add a line, i can select the product by searching for it. It will then popup the search for articles like i have when i click on 'Article' under Sales. But i would like that it pops up the search that i have when i click on 'vendor price list' under "Purchase" app.
How can i do that ? I guess i have to modify the product_id field in the form view of the sale order, but i can't see what can in put there to achieve my needs ?
2- Besides, when i will select the product of this supplier in this list, i would like that the price in the order line is the price of this vendor + ideally that this vendor is added in the order line. How can i do that ?
Thanks by advance
I am near a solution but need a little help : I created a new field in sale.order.line : x_product_supplierinfo_id, many2one linked to product.supplierinfo. I added it in the form view sale.order.form, so i can select a product from the vendor pricelist. How can i "push' the selected to product to the product of the order line, so the normal process continue ?