If user language is in English, "send sales order by email" ( Spanish template) works perfect, if the user change language in preferences, and try to send sale order by email ( Spanish template) will get an error of render template.
Fallo al renderizar la plantilla <Template memory:7f4bea2d5c10> usando los valores {'format_amount': <function <lambda> at 0x7f4bfbb22cf8>, 'object': sale.order(9774,), 'ctx': {u'uid': 1, 'button_access': {'url': '/mail/view?message_id=9774', 'title': u'View Pedido de venta'}, 'mail_notify_user_signature': False, 'has_button_unfollow': False, u'default_use_template': True, u'search_disable_custom_filters': True, u'default_model': u'sale.order', u'default_res_id': 141, u'tz': u'America/Costa_Rica', u'mark_so_as_sent': True, 'mail_post_autofollow': True, 'followers': res.partner(80, 31), 'has_button_access': False, 'subtype': mail.message.subtype(1,), 'button_follow': {'url': '/mail/follow?model=sale.order&res_id=141&token=9c2cae6b191212d30a9c484e5fe03edad5397f75', 'title': u'Follow'}, u'custom_layout': u'sale.mail_template_data_notification_email_sale_order', 'signature': False, 'website_url': u'http://www.zgs-plastics.com', 'company_name': u'ZGS Plastic Solutions s.a.', u'default_template_id': 15, 'record_name': u'SO141', u'hide_sale': True, u'default_composition_mode': u'comment', 'actions': [], u'active_id': 141, u'lang': u'es_CR', 'tracking': [], 'is_discussion': True, u'active_model': u'sale.order', 'not_followers': res.partner(), 'record': sale.order(141,), u'params': {u'action': 405}, 'mail_auto_delete': True, u'active_ids': [141], 'has_button_follow': False, 'model_name': u'Pedido de venta', 'button_unfollow': {'url': '/mail/unfollow?model=sale.order&res_id=141&token=e5d3a2ecdc54580f99f5e4e5604aca9044b541e8', 'title': u'Unfollow'}}, 'format_tz': <function <lambda> at 0x7f4bea1bc050>, 'user': res.users(1,), 'format_date': <function <lambda> at 0x7f4bea1bc230>}
This happens after I write a custom template .
I read some comments regarding template translation errors similar to mine, but my template translate perfect, it is only when I confirm "send an email."
there is anyone here with a similar error and solved?
I try all given solutions available in the forum, but neither result.
Any solutions or tip will be welcome.
Thanks, LS