I'm playing with stock.picking model, called from Odoo 10 Web API.
I do the following after writing at least one stock.pack.operation :
res = odoo_model.execute_kw(
Everything works fine, I can see my prepared stock.pack.operation packed into stock.quant.package objects
My issue is I would like to get the IDs of created stock.quant.package. I though that res could be affected the corresponding object as the source of the put_in_pack method is coded as follow :
def put_in_pack(self):
# TDE FIXME: reclean me
QuantPackage = self.env["stock.quant.package"]
package = False
for pick in self:
operations = [x for x in pick.pack_operation_ids if x.qty_done > 0 and (not x.result_package_id)]
pack_operation_ids = self.env['stock.pack.operation']
for operation in operations:
pass # Simplified this for you who is reading this thread
if operations:
package = QuantPackage.create({})
pack_operation_ids.write({'result_package_id': package.id})
raise UserError(_('Please process some quantities to put in the pack first!'))
return package
Here the package object is returned at the end of the method, but res (result of execute_kw) is always False.
Is there something to do to retrieved the stock.quant.package just created?