i noticed that in odoo 10 the account invoice module has 2 methods (pay_and_reconcile() and action_invoice_paid()) to reconcile and change the state of the invoice from open to paid i wanted to use those methods to make the invoice auto reconcile with the pos order. how can i do that?
i was trying to find a way to call this 2 methods in create_from_ui() from pos_order but i think im not doing it the right way.
can you try to explain me this problem please
i already solved my problem i just had to add a few lines
inside the method create_from_ui() that is in the class pos_order , inside the if .
def create_from_ui(self, orders):
# Keep only new orders
submitted_references = [o['data']['name'] for o in orders]
pos_order = self.search([('pos_reference', 'in', submitted_references)])
existing_orders = pos_order.read(['pos_reference'])
existing_references = set([o['pos_reference'] for o in existing_orders])
orders_to_save = [o for o in orders if o['data']['name'] not in existing_references]
order_ids = []
for tmp_order in orders_to_save:
to_invoice = tmp_order['to_invoice']
order = tmp_order['data']
if to_invoice:
pos_order = self._process_order(order)
except psycopg2.OperationalError:
# do not hide transactional errors, the order(s) won't be saved!
except Exception as e:
_logger.error('Could not fully process the POS Order: %s', tools.ustr(e))
if to_invoice:
pos_order.account_move = pos_order.invoice_id.move_id
#Edited by me-----------------------------------------------
for statement in pos_order.statement_ids:
return order_ids