A journal is just like any other Odoo model or class.
You can create an instance of a model (record in a class/table) three ways in your own module:
Each option does exactly the same thing - create a record in the database. No matter how it gets there, the result is the same (even when added via the UI).
vals = {
'name': 'The Name',
'code': 'THECODE',
More at https://www.odoo.com/documentation/10.0/reference/orm.html#common-orm-methods
Supply an XML file that imports a record into the database:
<record id="your_id" model="account.journal">
<field name="name">The Name</field>
<field name="code">THECODE</field>
More at https://www.odoo.com/documentation/10.0/reference/data.html
Supply a file called 'account.journal.csv' in your module with the fields and values you want to import. You can export an existing Journal to see the schema for the CSV file:
"id", "name", "code", "company_id/id", ...
"your_id", "The Name", "THECODE", "base.main_company", ...
More at https://www.odoo.com/documentation/10.0/reference/data.html#csv-data-files
Note: Since a Journal also requires a sequence, you should also create one of those, before creating the Journal, so the Journal can refer to it.