I have an issue in Odoo 10. I change name of a given product.template by using:
my_product_template_id.name = '...'
In database the name is actually changed:
select id,name from product_template where id=226;
id | name -----+---------------------------------------------------
226 | ISO4028 M 1.4 S1max 0.65 t1 1 dp 21 z2max 31 t2 A
(1 row)
As shown in the image, the ID 226 appears with the following name:
I have tried to refresh browser, restart server, etc. but the old name is still there.
It happens the same if the name is updated directly in database:
update product_template set name = 'New Name' where id=226;
Database name is updated but when you read again the record in web the old name is still there.
I guess I am missing something important, could someone help me to understand how to change the name of a product_template?
Regarding product_product, I am not using variants and hence there is no column name in that table.