On another question titled "Email notification on contact form submission," Marek Matej outlined the process below to fix the problem.
For step one, what is the actual inputs for the fields found in form?
For example,
Complete ID: crm.field_crm_lead_contact_name
Module: crm
External Identifier: field_crm_lead_contact_name
Is the input ${crm.field_crm_lead_contact_name} or ${object.crm.field_crm_lead_contact_name} or ${object.crm.lead_contact_name} or something entirely different?
Marek Matej's process
the answer to your question is to trigger server action on creating new lead:
0) Preparation
Setup and test outgoing email server
Enable developer mode from Administrator->About-> ... Enable developer mode
1) Create notification email template: Technical->Email->Templates
Name the new template (say my.crm.notification)
set Applies to Lead/Opportunity. Use fields found in form (object.name, object.description, object.email_from, etc...)
save it
2) Create server action: Technical->Actions->Server Actions
Name it (say my.action.lead-create)
set base model to Lead/Opportunity
set Action to do "Send email"
set condition "True" to allow unconditional run
select email template you created in previous step (my.crm.notification)
save it
3) Create automated action: Technical->Automation->Automated Actions
name it(say my.auto-action.lead-create)
set related document model to Lead/Opportunity
check Active
set sequence number to positive
set When to run "On Creation"
on Action tab, add your desired actions
in this case find and select previously created my.action.lead-create
4) Set processing period: Technical->Automation->Scheduled Actions
select "Email Queue Manager"
set Active
set Interval Number and Interval Unit to desired period
save it
This should be all. Let me know if I forgot something so I can update whole process.