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It appears that I'm encountering an issue while transferring data from Odoo 16 to Odoo 17. Specifically, when I use the search_read method to retrieve data from all fields like this res = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, the_class, 'search_read', [domain], {'limit': 1})​, I encounter an error stating "unknown object has no attribute id." However, when I specify the fields I want to retrieve, such as the name like this res = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, the_class, 'search_read', [domain], {'fields': ['name'], 'limit': 1})​, the operation executes successfully.

this is the error message:

return\nAttributeError: \'_unknown\' object has no attribute \'id\'\n'>

Best Answer

The error you're encountering, '_unknown' object has no attribute 'id', typically arises when trying to access a field (in this case, id) from a record that doesn't exist or isn't properly recognized by Odoo. This might be due to a few reasons, especially when transferring data between different versions of Odoo (from v16 to v17). Here's a breakdown of how to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

1. Field Differences Between Versions

  • Check Field Names: Ensure that the fields you're trying to retrieve exist in both Odoo v16 and v17. Sometimes, field names or their definitions might change between versions.
  • Check for Deprecated Fields: Fields that were available in Odoo 16 may have been deprecated or replaced in Odoo 17.

2. Search Domain and Filters

  • Refine the Domain: Ensure that the domain used in the search_read method correctly filters records that actually exist. If the domain is too broad or incorrect, it might return an empty recordset, leading to the error.
  • Test with a Simplified Domain: Try simplifying the domain to ensure it returns valid records. For instance, use [] to fetch all records and check if the issue persists.

3. Retrieving All Fields

  • Explicitly Specify Fields: While it's common to use search_read without specifying fields (to get all fields), Odoo might have issues if certain fields are missing or not initialized. You can try retrieving a broader but explicit list of fields:
    pythonCopy coderes = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, the_class, 'search_read', [domain], {'fields': ['id', 'name', 'other_field_1', 'other_field_2'], 'limit': 1})
  • Check search_read Defaults: Ensure that the search_read method is not missing any required fields that Odoo expects by default.

4. Inspect the Record Data

  • Print the Response: Before attempting to access id, print or log the entire response (res) to see what is actually being returned:
    pythonCopy coderes = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, the_class, 'search_read', [domain], {'limit': 1})
  • Check Record Structure: Ensure that the response is a list of dictionaries and each dictionary has the required fields.

5. Handle Empty Responses

  • Check for Empty Results: Implement a check to see if res is empty before accessing id:
    pythonCopy codeif res and 'id' in res[0]:
        record_id = res[0]['id']
        print("No record found or id field missing.")
  • Default Value Handling: Provide a default value or handle the scenario where id might not be present.

6. Odoo API Version Compatibility

  • Review API Changes: Double-check the Odoo 17 API documentation to ensure that there haven't been any changes in the search_read method or in how data should be retrieved and processed compared to Odoo 16.

7. Update or Recreate the Environment

  • Environment Updates: If you're testing in a migration scenario, make sure your Odoo environments (both v16 and v17) are up-to-date and correctly configured.
  • Recreate the Database Schema: Sometimes, discrepancies in the database schema between versions might cause issues. Ensure that the Odoo v17 database schema is correctly migrated.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify the root cause of the error and resolve the issue when transferring data between Odoo versions.


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