My footer on the document template does not work, when calling o_boxed_footer. o_background_footer does work.
<div class="footer o_boxed_footer">
<div class="text-center">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li t-if="" class="list-inline-item">Tel: <span t-field=""/></li>
<li t-if="" class="list-inline-item">Mail: <span t-field=""/></li>
<li t-if="" class="list-inline-item">Web: <span t-field=""/></li>
<li t-if="company.vat" class="list-inline-item"><t t-esc="company.country_id.vat_label or 'Tax ID'"/>: <span t-field="company.vat"/></li>
<div t-field="company.report_footer"/>
<div t-if="report_type == 'pdf'">
Page: <span class="page"/> / <span class="topage"/>
DOES WORK (but without layout)
<div class="footer">
<div class="text-center">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li t-if="" class="list-inline-item">Tel: <span t-field=""/></li>
<li t-if="" class="list-inline-item">Mail: <span t-field=""/></li>
<li t-if="" class="list-inline-item">Web: <span t-field=""/></li>
<li t-if="company.vat" class="list-inline-item"><t t-esc="company.country_id.vat_label or 'Tax ID'"/>: <span t-field="company.vat"/></li>
<div t-field="company.report_footer"/>
<div t-if="report_type == 'pdf'">
Page: <span class="page"/> / <span class="topage"/>
Where is o_box_footer defined, so that I can take a look at where the problem is?
I have tried:
- Updating to wkhtmltopdf 12.5
- Running in other VMware instance, where it works
- Restoring back-ups from working instances to this one, to no avail