I want to notify all Maintenance Team members when a new request is created inside that particular team.
At the moment I have this functionality handled by an automated action like this:
Python code:
body_html = """
""" + record.name + """
num_of_members = len(record.maintenance_team_id.member_ids)
if num_of_members:
members_emails = []
for i in range(num_of_members):
email_to = ",".join(members_emails)
mail_pool = env['mail.mail']
values.update({'subject': 'New maintenance request - ' + record.company_id.name})
values.update({'email_to': email_to})
values.update({'body_html': body_html})
msg_id = mail_pool.create(values)
if msg_id:
But now I would like to convert this solution to a custom module. What is the correct way to do this?
Should I inherit `maintenance.request`, override the create method and send my email somehow (how exactly?) with my hardcoded email body?
class MaintenanceRequest(models.Model):
_inherit = 'maintenance.request'
def create(self, vals):
req = super(MaintenanceRequest, self).create(vals)
body_html = """
""" + req.name + """
# ...
if msg_id:
return req
Or there is a way to hook myself to a premade function for sending notification and just tell it to run also for the team members? I don't want to add all of them as followers (because they would get spammed with unnecessary updates about the request) - only to notify them about the new request and then they can follow it if they needed to.