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4 Replies

Hi everybody,

I am trying to install a new module which I developed recently but when I click on "Update Modules List" the module doesn't appear on the "Apps" list. I've copied my module in the folder /usr/share/pyshare/openerp/addons and I restart the openerp server, and that didn't work.

This module works perfectly for version 6.0. Could you please help me? I've been searching for hours the possible error but I cannot find it. Are there many changes between the two versions? Is there anybody who could give a module example that works for version 7.0?

Maybe I am not following the right steps in order to install the new module correctly.

Thanks in advance, Robert

Best Answer

Hey Mr. Tony

module can't find then:

check the permission for your module for your openerp user

you can give like:

chmod 770 -R /usr/share/pyshare/openerp/your_moule


Best Answer

Please try this path "usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/addons"


Hi again,I copied my module in this path but it doesn't work yet. I don't understand what is happening. The permissions of the module's folder are just as the other modules. I deleted some modules form the main folder "usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/addons" and it is detected, other rather not ¿? I am completely lost and I don't know what to do... :(

ok then just download any openerp 7.0 modules. Try to install it.


Thanks for the information, do you know where I can downdload a module which I don't have in my addons folder yet? Thanks.

Check out this

Best Answer

You can't just copy & paste modules from version 6 to 7, as there is some differences. Try to rename to

Also you can take a look at the modules under addons to see other changes..%


An example for a good base module is the module IDEA.

Author Best Answer

Hi everyone again,

First of all thank you for your quick answer. I tried all what you did:

  • chmod 770 -R /usr/share/pyshare/openerp/addons/your_moule
  • chmod 770 -R usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/addons/your_moule
  • I already have the file (for version 6.0.4 you need this file)

But it didn't work. I write here the code of the file


'name': 'Videoclub',
'version': '0.1',
'author' : 'OpenERP',
'category': 'Tools',
'summary': 'Videoclub',
'author': 'OpenERP SA',
'depends': ['base', 'crm', 'product'],
'data': [
'demo': [],
'test': [],  
'css': [],
'installable': True,
'application': True,
'auto_install': False,
'images': ['images/icon.png'],


And also the code of the file

import videoclub

import wizard

I compared my module with others and it looks exactly the same. Is there something with admin user that I should do and I might not know?

Thanks again in advance.



Did you check the access right of admin? Is Technical Feature checked in access right tab of admin?


Hi again,Yes I did check the "Technical Features" options and I doesn't work yet.