When creating a new customer_invoice I want to add a new journal entries
for that I had add it a new action in the invoice workflow but I'm getting an error could you help me to fix it please.
This is my workflow:
<record id="account.act_open" model="workflow.activity">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="account.wkf" />
<field name="name">done</field>
<field name="name">open</field>
<field name="action">action_date_assign()
<field name="kind">function</field>
This is my python file:
class customer_invoice(osv.osv):
_inherit= 'account.invoice'
'product_cost_account':fields.many2one('account.account','Product Cost Account', required= True),
'cost_account':fields.many2one('account.account','Cost Account', required= True),
def action_move_create_two(self):
move_obj = self.pool.get('account.move')
for inv in self.browse():
res = {}
res1 = {}
if inv.type == 'out_invoice':
for lines in inv.invoice_line:
cost_price = lines.product_id.standard_price * lines.quantity
res.update({'name':inv.product_cost_account.name, 'debit':cost_price })
res1.update({'name':inv.cost_account.name, 'credit':cost_price })
for i in [res,res1]:
new_move_id = move_obj.create({'line_id': [(0,0, i)]})
self.write({'account_move_id': new_move_id})
You could post your error log
My pb is that I got nothing nothing happened like I did not change it