Hi friendz,
I need to show a field 'db_name' using function field.
def db_name_get(......)
provide me the process or how to get value of database name.
Thanks & Regards,
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Hi friendz,
I need to show a field 'db_name' using function field.
def db_name_get(......)
provide me the process or how to get value of database name.
Thanks & Regards,
def db_name_get( self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context ):
return_value = {}
for record in self.browse( cr, uid, ids, context ):
return_value[ record.id ] = cr.dbname
return return_value
Add the function name to the declaration of your functional field.
Another solution:
from openerp.http import request
def db_name_get(......)
dbname = request.session['db']
return dbname
def get_dbname():
dbname = self.pool.db.dbname
return dbname
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