My problem is that javascript does not find my templates.
The templates are in static/src/xml/status_templates.xml.
I added them to my manifest file with the full path name and *. ('qweb': ['static/src/xml/*.xml'],)
The templates are:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <templates xml:space="preserve"> <t t-name="tabla_stock_notification.subscription_form"> <div class="tabla_stock_notifications"> <form method="post" id="tabla_stock_subscription" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="input-group"> <input type="email" class="form-control" required="required" aria-describedby="tabla-stock-subscription"/> <div class="input-group-append"> <button class="btn btn-warning" id="subscribe_stock" type="submit"><i class="fa fa-envelope-o" role="img" aria-label="Subscribe"/></button> </div> <span class="stock_procurement_date"/> </div> </form> </div> </t>
The JS
odoo.define('tabla_stock_notification.stock_notification', function(require) { 'use strict'; var core = require('web.core'); var config = require('web.config'); var publicWidget = require('web.public.widget'); var ajax = require('web.ajax'); var QWeb = core.qweb; publicWidget.registry.StockNotifications = publicWidget.Widget.extend({ selector: '#product_details', events: { 'click #subscribe_stock': '_onGetCheckData', }, init: function() { console.log('Konstruktor'); var product_id = $('.product_id').val(); var stockDiv = $('.tabla_stock_placeholder') console.log('Konstruktor, product ID ' + product_id); if (product_id != '') { ajax.jsonRpc('/stock-status', 'call', {'product_id': parseInt(product_id)}).then(function (data) { console.log('Calling stock status and gotten data: ' + data); let stock_data = JSON.parse(data); if (stock_data.hasOwnProperty('show')) { if (stock_data['show'] == 'form') { stockDiv = $(QWeb.render('tabla_stock_notification.subscription_form', {})); } else if (stock_data['show'] == 'confirm') { stockDiv = $(QWeb.render('tabla_stock_notification.confirm_subscription')); } else if (stock_data['show'] == 'message') { stockDiv = $(QWeb.render('tabla_stock_notification.stock_notification')); }; }; }); }; },
I'm new to JS widgets. I've tried all that I could find and it never worked. I looked at other modules and I cannot figure out why mine does not work.
I'm just getting error:
Error: QWeb2: Template 'tabla_stock_notification.subscription_form' not found