Hi all! May be you can help me with such a case:
I wanna build a buisenes-process:
1) I recive an opportuniry for a client service
2) My service worker go to the client, looks at his problem, and encount the price for the client. This price includes consumable items, serviceman payment and company income
3) After the work is compleet, i wanna automaticly recive such a result: my income = (client check - consumables) - % of serviceman.
Also i wanna see this result hier, if this is possible (https://prnt.sc/207wa1a) May be not in this place, but in kanban wiew, so i can fast understand how much iv earned today
I am a new one with the system so may be you can just give me a link, where such a problem have been solved. Thanks a lot!
PS. If anybody can help in russian, it woold be perfect