There is one app in odoo store which will generate products PO / Internal transfers between warehouses / Inter company transfers according to demand of the products for the particular warehouse.
Here is some highlights of this app.
Advance purchase ordering / reordering
Forecast Sales
Sales forecast rules for warehouse, products & period specific
Sales forecast
Sales forecast rules import / export
Sales forecast import / export
Export normal sales
Auto create forecast sales
Purchase Requisition
Based on Past Sales
Based on Forecast Sales
Warehouse wise configuration to generate requisition and an option to deliver it to specific warehouse
Generate requisition for more than one warehouses and can be delivered to choice warehouse.
Approval/Rejection of purchase requisition
Send an email for approval or rejection
Separate purchase orders created based on destination warehouses
Separate reports of individual requisition and summary of requisition
Warehouse Requisition
Based on Past Sales
Based on Forecast Sales
Separate reports of individual requisition and summary of requisition
Approval/Rejection of warehouse requisition
Send an email for approval or rejection
Internal transfer will be created if source and destination warehouse belongs to same company
Inter company transfer will be created if source and destination warehouse belongs to different company
Inter company transfer along with all documents (SO/PO, Invoices)
Click here to read more about this app.