We have two warehouses which are quite far away from each other (WH1 and WH2). Our suppliers deliver all our orders to WH1 and 2-3 times a month one of our employees drivers a truck from WH1 to WH2 to resupply them.
Only our employees use our webshop.
Two questions:
1) Is it possible to configure it that when employees A, B and C make an order from our webshop the products are to be shipped from WH1 and when employees D and E make an order they get shipped from WH2?
2) Example: employee D orders 3 units of item A.
WH1 has 5 units of item A in stock and WH2 has none.
The order is set to be delivered from WH2 but in the overall inventory view the item forecast is 2.
Is it possible to get an overview of the forecasts per warehouse?
Thanks in advance.