I am running a CE (thus without studio).
I duplicated the "Quotation / Order" report and named it "Quotation / Order with images" and changed the "report_saleorder_document" qweb view to add small product images in the quote.
It works as in that, both reports show up in the print dropdown button on top of the quote and the images are actually shown in the report. But the images show up in both the reports, the normal one as well. Both seem to point or use the same qweb view that i changed.
How do i fix it so only the report with the images actually show the images and the other was like before.
I think Quotation / Order and Quotation / Order with images still refers to the same - report_saleorder_document. Please check in Quotation / Order with images for 'Template name' and compare with Quotation / Order