Hi Mohamed,
I don't think this is a good idea to concept you solution like that as by default you can open form view wizard from one2many relations.
But you may need this for some specific reasons, so I propose to do it using related fields.
In your model "Match Details" create related fields to the model "Match" and "Group Match".
class match_details(models.Model)
group_id = fields.Many2one('match.group')
field_from_match = fields.Char()
class match_details(models.Model)
group_id = fields.Many2one('match.group')
field_from_match_group = fields.Char()
class match_details(models.Model)
match_id = fields.Many2one('match')
field_from_match = fields.Char(related="match_id.field_from_match")
field_from_match_group = fields.Char(related="match_id.group_id.field_from_match_group")
When you create a form view for "Match Details", you can edit the two other models using this related fields.
Hope this help you.
best regards.
use ir.actions.client to show any values in single view