im running a multi company odoo12 community edition on a VPS managed by plesk. Odoo12 is running inside a docker container.
i assumed proxy rules to the container port and for one website, everything is working just fine.
lets say. example1.com is redirected to odoo longpolling port via apache in plesk:
ProxyPreserveHost off
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
this is just working like charm.
now i want a second website... i configured it in plesk the same way i did with the main one.. proxypass to odoo docker port. i created a second website inside odoo, entered the 2nd domain "powerfullexample.com".
But when i go to the domain "powerfullexample.com" its just opening the website for "example.com"...
everything else is working normal... what am i missing?