I have noticed that the the total price reflected in the Purchase Analysis is not converted to the base currency. Let’s say, you sold 1000 units of Product 1 at $2.15 to Customer A. Let’s assume your base currency (company default currency) is PHP and current exchange rate 1 PHP = 0.020559 USD as configured.
Purchase Order
Product Qty Unit Price Total
Product 1 1,000 $2.15 $2150
The existing purchase analysis reports the ff figures:
Purchase Analysis
Total Price Unit Qty Average Price
44.20 1000 0.04
The figures in the report must be the ff:
Purchase Analysis
Total Price Unit Qty Average Price
₱104577.07 1,000 ₱104.58
Can anyone help me to get this type of report? Thanks in advance.
BTW we are using Odoo 8
P.S. My first inquiry has typographical error, I typed Sales Order instead of Purchase Order.