Hey Ramashish,
This is probable because of the record rule (security reason) that child company can't access / confirm few things of parent company.
for that default record rule is also created which causing a issue to you.
You can check it by moving ,
Settings > Technical > Security > Record rules > And search for the sale order record rule
Now,Record rule contained word like "multi-company" is responsible for the same.
So Possible solutions are >
1) Try to alter the domain (['|',('company_id','=',False),('company_id','child_of',[user.company_id.id])]) used in record rule.
2) And Better and easy solutions is wherever its getting issue technically add 'sudo' (superuser) keyword in your method to bypass the record rule
for ex :
> line.mapped('so_line').sudo()._compute_analytic()
> name = self.env[self.res_model].sudo().browse(self.res_id).name_get()
for your ref :
Hope this will help you !
Hi @Dipak Shah instead of comment can you post as a answer.
Hello Pinakin Nayi,
It's done !!.