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Hi there,

I have a product to be manufactured from the sales order, and sometimes it needs to take raw materials from different locations and the final produced quantities must also be delivered to diferent production locations.

What I need to do is, to have different source and destination locations for the same manufactoring order for a specific raw material and final product.

I found a module from vauxoo named mrp_location_line_production. This will allow me to partially produce a product where some raw material is from a diferent source location from the default one.

Now, my problem is, how to define that a specific product quantity from one production order is to be delivered to a specific destination location after produced?

Thank you very much


Best Answer

Hi Look at the Routing you have location_id

consumes the raw material. without the finished product after you can declare your finished product partial

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hi le_dilem, I don't think routing will allow me to that. Imagine I need to produce 100un of PROD-A. This product uses 10un of RAW1 and 1un of RAW2 (per unit), so I will require 1000un of RAW1 and 100un of RAW2. Since the 1000un of RAW1 are on diferent locations, I need to tell OpenERP that it must take 300un of RAW1 from location_1, and 700un from location_2. Besides that, at the end of production, I need to tell OpenERP that the final quantities must be delivered to diferent locations. 200un of PROD-A for location_3, and 800un of PROD-A to location_4. Just 1 MO. Thanks