Dear all,
I'm currently trying to make the odoo iOS app work with my Odoo 11 enterprise installation.
The client says that the Server is not reachable. I'm using odoo behind an nginx reverse proxy. The Webinterface, XML-RPC etc are working fine.
The nginx logs give me this line: "GET /web/webclient/version_info HTTP/2.0" 400 308 "-" "Odoo Mobile/2.0.1 CFNetwork/975.0.3 Darwin/18.2.0".
The odoo logs give me this lines:
2018-12-05 09:15:57,727 1 INFO xxxx odoo.http: <function WebClient.version_info at 0x7f61a7f85c80>, /web/webclient/version_info: Function declared as capable of handling request of type 'json' but called with a request of type 'http'
2018-12-05 09:15:57,728 1 INFO xxxx werkzeug: - - [05/Dec/2018 09:15:57] "GET /web/webclient/version_info HTTP/1.1" 400 -
When I try to connect directly to the server it works fine.
My setup looks like described here:
Do you have any ideas what could be wrong within my configuration?