I would like to know if it is possible to migrate data and the modules installed in Odoo 8 to version 10.
I was checking some posts saying that I can only migrate to version 9. Is it possible to clear this for me, please?
José Carlos
Odoo is the world's easiest all-in-one management software.
It includes hundreds of business apps:
I would like to know if it is possible to migrate data and the modules installed in Odoo 8 to version 10.
I was checking some posts saying that I can only migrate to version 9. Is it possible to clear this for me, please?
José Carlos
Yes, In Some of Cases it's true if you want to Migrate Database. Odoo Provide OpenUpgrade Library.
which use to Migrate Database in Different Versions and if you want to Migrate Module.
From Odoo 8 to Odoo 10 than you can directlly Migrate it there is no need to Migrate in Odoo 9.
Below Is Some Useful Links for Database Migration Library of OpenUpgrade ::
Library For OpenUpgrade :: https://github.com/OCA/OpenUpgrade
Introduction :: https://doc.therp.nl/openupgrade/intro.html
Documentation :: https://doc.therp.nl/openupgrade/
Thanks a lot for the valuable information. I will use the links provided to understand how I can do that.
Best regards,
José Carlos
Yes I think You can find what you need.
Thank You.
Thanks :-)
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