I have also copied all the data from the older version using sql script.
I have setup every sequences with older version also.
After this I have executed one cron to setup the sequence_prefix and sequence_number of account.move using _compute_split_sequence but still when I am going to open account.move it shows the error as below :-
2021-07-12 11: 05: 36,456 32476 ERROR DBNAME odoo.sql_db: bad query: UPDATE account_move SET write_date = write_date WHERE id = ( SELECT id FROM account_move WHERE journal_id = 7 AND name! = '/' AND date_trunc ('year ', date :: timestamp without time zone) = date_trunc (' year ',' 2020-10-16 ':: date) AND sequence_prefix! ~' ^ (?:. *?) (?: ((? <= \ D) | (? <= ^)) ((20 | 21) \ d {2} | (\ d {2} (? = \ D)))) (?: \ D *?) (? :( 0 [1-9] | 1 [0-2])) (?: \ D +?) $ 'AND id! = 492 AND sequence_prefix = (SELECT sequence_prefix FROM account_move WHERE journal_id = 7 AND name! = '/' AND date_trunc ('year', date :: timestamp without time zone) = date_trunc ('year', '2020-10-16' :: date) AND sequence_prefix! ~ '^ (?:. *?) (?: ((? <= \ D) | (? <= ^)) ((20 | 21) \ d {2} | (\ d { 2} (? = \ D)))) (?: \ D *?) (? :( 0 [1-9] | 1 [0-2])) (?: \ D +?) $ 'AND id! = 492 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) ORDER BY sequence_number DESC LIMIT 1 ) RETURNING name; ERROR: invalid regular expression: quantifier operand invalid
how many module you have to pass-out from v13 to v14 ?