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2 Replies

I have a question for the openERP community that is very important to me. What is the best way to present this question so that the community has all the information it needs to give me a good answer? How do I pose my question so that others with the same question can find my question?

This is a hypothetical question to stimulate a conversation about the best practices for getting questions answered on this forum.


I slightly edited your question to avoid starting an open discussion, which is forbidden by the FAQ.

Best Answer

I think that it is important to show you have researched the issue before asking the question. There is plenty of information out there already which can help, and in many cases offer the solution with a bit of effort. I feel that people are unlikely to want to put effort into an answer/solution if the person asking the question has not (or seems not to have) put any effort in themselves.

Once you have determined it is worth asking a question it should be well structured - Explain the problem fully, give examples of what you are trying to achieve and what you have done so far, what version you are using and what operating system. I would also add any links which might be useful!

Reading the FAQ is a good step in the right direction.

Also - as patently said, be polite and don't demand an answer, if someone has the solution they will most likely help you!

If a question remains unanswered and you figure out the solution yourself, it is good to return to the question and post it. This will help others in the future!


I agree it is important to post the solution if you have figured it out yourself - don't just respond saying THAT you fixed it, say HOW you fixed it :)

Author Best Answer

First the don'ts - Don't - 1. Post a question with an alarming summary - 2. Copy and paste a trace back with no background information 3. Post a response to an answer as another answer 4. Demand someone answer ASAP

Do - 1. Be polite 2. Be calm 3. Search the forum with a few different key words looking for your question. 4. Use as many keywords in you question as possible to make it searchable 5. Include all the details of your installation in the message of your question 6. Tag your question

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