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Is there anybody out there managing a meat production business with Odoo? (or generally speaking a heavy "disassembling"-oriented activity)

Challenge is how to manage a business in which products are essentially "by-products".

I am new to Odoo but have difficulties understanding how to properly "manufacture" sub-products. e.g; in the poultry industry, we need to input a live chicken, and produce several products (a combination of sequential and parallel processes e.g. a fully dressed chicken, AND/OR products resulting from (say) 5 cuts, AND/OR further processed food (sausages, etc.).

Do you guys use a set of "manufacturing" processes with products/sub-products (the latter are difficult to cost), or use the "disassembling" process (with even less control, i.e. none, of work areas, operations, cost, WIP, etc.).

I would be very interested in reading your advice/experience.

Thank you in advance


Did you find a way?

Best Answer

For businesses like poultry or meat processing, where you start with a primary product (e.g., a live chicken) and end up with multiple products and by-products (e.g., dressed chicken, cuts, sausages, etc.), Odoo's Manufacturing application along with the By-Products feature is your best friend. Here's how you can tackle this:

1. Manufacturing Orders for Disassembling

In Odoo, manufacturing orders are typically used to assemble products. However, you can creatively use them to represent disassembling processes. Instead of thinking about assembling a final product, think about breaking down a raw material (like a live chicken) into its components (e.g., various cuts, offal, etc.).

2. Using By-Products in Manufacturing

Odoo supports the concept of by-products in manufacturing orders. This allows you to define not just the main product(s) you're producing but also any by-products that result from the manufacturing process.

When setting up your Bill of Materials (BoM), you can specify both the main products and by-products. This setup is crucial for businesses where the output is not a single product but multiple products and by-products from a single input. This way, you can accurately capture the yield from each process.

3. BoM and Routing for Sequential and Parallel Processes

For complex processes like you've described (where there are both sequential and parallel stages in the disassembly), you'll want to make use of both BoMs and Routings in Odoo:

  • BoMs (Bill of Materials): Define what the output products are (including by-products) for each input. You might have different BoMs for different processes (e.g., one for dressing the chicken, another for cuts, another for further processed food like sausages).
  • Routings: Define the work centers and operations needed for each stage of the process. Routings allow you to specify the sequence of operations, the work centers where they occur, and the time expected for each operation. This helps in planning and costing.

4. Costing Challenges

Costing can indeed be challenging in disassembly processes, especially for by-products. One approach is to assign a portion of the input costs to each output based on expected yields or other allocation methods (e.g., weight, market value). This can get complex and may require customizations or careful configuration in Odoo to reflect the actual costs accurately.

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