We have recipient list somewhat 5000 and after massmail it say total sent somewhat 13000? most of the recipients get the message double some triple and some what 500 once like should.
We have make recipient list smaller but now randomly it can send some what 700 mails okay, just few doubles and next day 250 recipient list will be sent almost 400 times?
Last week only way to send mass mails was to run them manually from the settings menu.
Our odoo "gold" partner awoin-systems in Finland or Odoo itself have not give us any solution to solve this thing out.. We been struckling with this now almost a year. and try to get help many times to fix things
My quess is that it has something to do with the awoin-system partner servers and or the fact that since we started with odoo a year ago they import our customer data (mail adresses) from our old ERP.
Anybody else samekind of problems.. Any ideas what to chek
Feels like time to time it almost work okay but some days it wont work at all..