I am trying to send a mass mailing, when I do the test I receive the test message correctly. But when send the capaign only a few messages are sent, I get the following failing error:
error: 111
Connection refused
Outgoing mail configuration:
Description Correo Librería
Priority 1 Connection Information SMTP Server gator4252.hostgator.com
SMTP Port 465 Debugging off Connection Security SSL/TLS Username odoo@libreriafrancesa.net Password ***********
On the logs:
2017-05-22 17:53:09,448 30387 INFO Libreria_Francesa odoo.models.unlink: User #1 deleted mail.mail records with IDs: [433]
2017-05-22 17:53:09,464 30387 INFO Libreria_Francesa odoo.models.unlink: User #1 deleted ir.attachment records with IDs: [2754]
2017-05-22 17:53:09,480 30387 INFO Libreria_Francesa odoo.models.unlink: User #1 deleted mail.message records with IDs: [3993]
2017-05-22 17:53:10,617 30387 INFO Libreria_Francesa odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail: Mail with ID 434 and Message-Id u'<1495475572.739439964294434.650048498239153-openerp-reply_to@odoo-v10-16>' successfully sent 2017-05-22 17:53:10,638 30387 INFO Libreria_Francesa odoo.models.unlink: User #1 deleted mail.mail records with IDs: [434]
2017-05-22 17:53:10,653 30387 INFO Libreria_Francesa odoo.models.unlink: User #1 deleted ir.attachment records with IDs: [2755]
2017-05-22 17:53:10,668 30387 INFO Libreria_Francesa odoo.models.unlink: User #1 deleted mail.message records with IDs: [3994]
2017-05-22 17:53:10,857 30387 INFO Libreria_Francesa odoo.addons.base.ir.ir_mail_server: La entrega de correo falló vía el servidor SMTP 'gator4252.hostgator.com'.
error: 111 Connection refused 2017-05-22 17:53:10,859 30387 ERROR Libreria_Francesa odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail: failed sending mail (id: 435) due to Fallo de entrega de correo La entrega de correo falló vía el servidor SMTP 'gator4252.hostgator.com'.
error: 111 Connection refused Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/odoo/server/addons/mail/models/mail_mail.py", line 278, in send
res = IrMailServer.send_email(msg, mail_server_id=mail.mail_server_id.id)
File "/opt/odoo/server/odoo/addons/base/ir/ir_mail_server.py", line 464, in send_email
raise MailDeliveryException(_("Mail Delivery Failed"), msg)
MailDeliveryException: (u'Fallo de entrega de correo', u"La entrega de correo fall\xf3 v\xeda el servidor SMTP 'gator4252.hostgator.com'.\nerror: 111\nConnection refused")
Hi Niyas,
Thanks for your reply, I already had checked that answered but is not the case my STMP server has priority 1 and the localhost has priority 10. And my error messages states that the error is regarding the hostgator server :
odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail: failed sending mail (id: 435) due to Fallo de entrega de correo La entrega de correo falló vía el servidor SMTP 'gator4252.hostgator.com'.
Also the message before on the log has being sent correctly :
2017-05-22 17:53:10,617 30387 INFO Libreria_Francesa odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_mail: Mail with ID 434 and Message-Id u'<1495475572.739439964294434.650048498239153-openerp-reply_to@odoo-v10-16>' successfully sent
I am guessing that the SMTP server is blocking me because to many connections in a small period, but I haven´t find any configuration about times delays on Odoo for mass mailing.