I need to understand why the many2one field ignore the attrs invisible and required in odoo 10.
I have a field account_account_id that is many2one field and the invisible property is not working, please help.
class AccountAccountReport(models.Model):
_name = 'account.account.report'
name = fields.Char(string='Nombre')
document_type = fields.Selection(string="Tipo de reporte", selection=TYPE_REPORT)
account_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string='Cuenta contable')
date_from = fields.Date(string='Fecha desde')
date_to = fields.Date(string='Fecha hasta')
excel_file = fields.Binary()
file_name = fields.Char()
<field name="account_account_id" attrs="{'invislble': [('document_type','not in', ['report_account_ledger']), ('document_type', '=', False)]}"/>