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Good day, 

I hope someone can propose a suggestion or perhaps someone has already resolved a similar issue. Odoo v9 reserves raw materials by default on a FIFO removal strategy. Thus meaning if I have multiple lots for a given stock item it will reserve stock across lots. In my specific case  a stock item, or manufactured item which is further used as a bom component to manufacture another item, cannot be reserved across lots as the chemical composition of a produced item can vary (slightly) from one lot to the other. I also cannot consume across lots as a finished product might have a fault and needs to be traced back to the BOM components that was used. If you then have multiple lot reservation for one component you dont know which of those lots is in fact the problem unless all of those lots are inspected which offcourse takes alot more considerable time and effort, not to mention the financial implications. 

So one of the ideas I had was, at the time of reserving stock or just before, the stock list is produced as normal, but also having the ability to select the lot from which the reservation must be done. The displayed lots are those having sufficient quantity. Once selected the reservation is then done based on this and supersedes the removal strategy for a given product/ category as LIFO/FIFO is not really applicable here. What is applicable is that consumption of stock across lots must not be  permissible.

Kind regards,

