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Hi everyone,

I need to buy a pack with three products with serial numbers each one of them; everything seems fine but I have the next problem:

I have a product called "PACK 3PKT" and it contains:

Product A with serial number: SN001 

Product B with serial number: SN002

Product C with serial number: SN003

I can have these three products in my warehouse but not make it a pack. If I make a pack in my WH using manufacture module, i only have the pack as one product but not the other three products with their own serial numbers. 

So, when I make a purchase order, i need to buy 1 pack (not make it by manufacture process) and when I receive it, i need to enter the three serial numbers of the products of that pack. When a sale that pack I need to read those three serial numbers in the out movement.

I hope someone can help me about this issue.

