I am the administrator of my Odoo's database. I am trying to translate all I can of it. In another question I wanted to find some e-mail templates to translate it and someone helped me.
Right now I am at this template that its on server => odoo => addons => mail => views => mail_templates.xml
My problems is when I want to translate some items that don't appear there. Where are the items of object._description.lower? Here is the code of that object:
<template id="message_user_assigned">
<p>Dear <t t-esc="object.user_id.sudo().name"/>,</p>
<p>You have been assigned to therrr <t t-esc="object._description.lower()"/> <t t-esc="object.name_get()[0][1]"/>.</p>
<a t-att-href="'/mail/view?model=%s&res_id=%s' % (object._name, object.id)"
style="background-color: #9E588B; margin-top: 10px; padding: 10px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 16px;">
View <t t-esc="object._description.lower()"/>
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