We created a custom model for our authors (x_auteurs) from the backend (Odoo16, Technical > Database > Models). All works fine from the backend: we can add, edit and delete authors and their info.
How should we proceed to show a list of authors on our frontend website (webshop)? We created our own theme and managed to have things look the way we want. But we don't seem to be able to just loop through this model as we can with the products.
This is the code we tried [EDIT: seems like the code won't show up; it's a simple t-foreach loop through model x_auteurs)]
This is our theme's folder structure:
- theme_ourthemename
- static (with a bunch of css and js files)
- views
- templates.xml
- __init__.py
- __manifest__.py
I'm assuming we need some model and controller files? We found lots of code examples via Google, but not sure about where to put what exactly.
Thanks in advance.