After replace database with another database, and change in odoo.conf, i got this issue:
Logged into database, but dbfilter rejects it; logging session out.
ValueError: Expected singleton: website()
My odoo.conf:
addons_path = /var/www/html/odoo-server/odoo/addons,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/enterprise,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_accounts,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_backup,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_bases,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_crm,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_helpdesk,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_maintenance,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_mrp,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_purchases,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_sales,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_stocks,/var/www/html/3an15/addons/custom/z_utilities
admin_passwd = $pbkdf2-sha512$25000$LYVw7t2bcw4hBEBIqXXO2Q$AgZaXDljg27SX4fL2AcvJSGLoGqjTXHOPkhhQAcU7xpFfkWRke/.LWdo/daoiNKBxmLDamqanZPWGN5Hu8o.NA
csv_internal_sep = ,
data_dir = /home/dev/.local/share/Odoo
db_host = localhost
db_maxconn = 128
db_name = 3an15v9
db_password = admin123
db_port = 5432
db_sslmode = prefer
db_template = template1
db_user = odoo_15v3
dbfilter =
demo = {}
email_from = False
from_filter = False
geoip_database = /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
http_enable = True
http_interface =
http_port = 3333
import_partial =
limit_memory_hard = 2684354560
limit_memory_soft = 2147483648
limit_request = 8192
limit_time_cpu = 6000000
limit_time_real = 12000000
limit_time_real_cron = -1
list_db = True
log_db = False
log_db_level = warning
log_handler = :INFO
log_level = info
logfile = /var/log/odoo/odoo.log
logrotate = True
longpolling_port = 8072
max_cron_threads = 2
osv_memory_age_limit = False
osv_memory_count_limit = False
pg_path =
pidfile =
proxy_mode = True
reportgz = False
screencasts =
screenshots = /tmp/odoo_tests
server_wide_modules = web
smtp_password = False
smtp_port = 25
smtp_server = localhost
smtp_ssl = False
smtp_ssl_certificate_filename = False
smtp_ssl_private_key_filename = False
smtp_user = False
syslog = False
test_commit = False
test_enable = False
test_file =
test_report_directory = False
test_tags = None
transient_age_limit = 1.0
translate_modules = ['all']
unaccent = False
upgrade_path =
without_demo = False
workers = 0
Any clue? Thanks.