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Unlike adding fixture data in the form of xml_data files, I want to get the load the data from an API location. How should I do that? This is what I am thinking of (please read the code comments too):

class Bank(osv.Model):

"""This class defines a Bank Object"""

_name = ''
_description = 'OBP Bank'
_order = 'name'

_columns = {
    'full_name' : fields.char('Bank name'),
    'logo' : fields.char('Bank Logo'),
    'website' : fields.char('Bank Website'),
    'id' : fields.char('Bank ID'),
    'short_name' : fields.char('Bank Short Name'),

def get_bank_data(): # What should I write here instead??
    # The code here gets the data from the API into a python dictionary
    # from which I want to load it into this Bank Database table.

What will be the best way to do this?

Best Answer

if you haven't done so yet, I would suggest you to create a list of lists with your data fetched from an external API call. See Bulk Import doc.
And then use the load() method on your object to create entries. See method signature here
