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As we would like to use the chat, We have run openerp trunk with gevent option but we find out that cron stops working. Any suggestion? As we have read in question "how-to-activate-chat-im-in-v8-trunk" , we should lunch 2 oerp servers and then 'dispach' them whit gevent. Any clues on how to achive this? Any other advise?


I am also looking for information on how to achieve this. It just amazes me that it is April, 2014 and nobody can post a walk through. I also have ./openerp-server and ./openerp-gevent running, but need to know where to add the code within the v8 website builder pages to activate the im live chat module for website visitors. Can someone please post a tutorial or at least document the process. Thank you.

Is this still an issue? Do you really need to run two instances to have cron and livechat working?

Best Answer

You can run two instances, frist one with openerp-gevent (it will run in port 8072), and another one with openerp-server (it will run in port 8069). The second one will run the cronjobs for you, the first one will give you the livechat capabilites you want.


Hy, I'm really surprised, does the 8072 port only usefull for running livechat? Doesn't Odoo 8 need to run in longpolling?