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We are able to display the name of the source document on various views but cannot get a link to the source document. 


In CRM, navigate to activities. View in List form. Shows the res_name field which is the name of the opportunity that the activity was created from. However, when you click to open the activity there is no way to get to the actual opportunity via a link. 

Same goes for invoices. Need a way to not only display the source document name but have a direct link back to the sales order. Any help is greatly appreciated! 


Which version of Odoo?

Best Answer

Hi Jason:

That's because the Source fields are defined as char fields. You will need a customization to implement a new Many2one field for the links to appear.

Author Best Answer

Thank you Paresh! I had seen that. Is it easiest to make a new related field in the same opportunity view to use as a many2one field then link with one2many in the other views (activity/accounting etc)?


Yes. Make sure you follow the naming conventions and coding guidelines specified by Odoo so that your customizations continue to work after updating.