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Hi- I've gotten a custom module made where, using a spreadsheet, I upload the attendance data (sign-in and sign-out) of the employees from the attendance machine to OpenERP. I see the upload goes in fine. However, when I check the timesheet of a particular employee, I see zero hours in their timesheet. I would appreciate it if someone could advise why the attendance data is not making it's way into the respective Employee's timesheet.

Thanks in Advance!

Best Answer

Did you also put in the exact dates (the period) when the hours were made?

Try doing one by hand as a test. When you fill in the name, then you fill in the period.

Can you also do that for the imported one? If yes, do so.

If not, then it get's a lot harder. The timesheet is saved for that period and trying to change that period is something I didn't get working yet.

Hope this helped you a little.

Cheers Michael
