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Has anyone got any ideas on how best to create a job card in v7? Something that can be printed and taken to a client to confirm that work has been signed off. Next step would be an invoice


Thanks if you can help!

Best Answer

Hi Dale,

You have a few options here. You could create a new form (view) which the user can fill in inside his Odoo and then also create a new QWeb report. The QWeb report could be printed and taken to the client for confirmation. If nothing has to be filled in digitally you could just create a QWeb report with all the fields and text on it as you like. The user prints it out and takes it to the client.

Does this meet the requirements?


Yes that helps thanks. I thought maybe there was a module available already as it seems to be a common function. But thanks!

Perhaps you could build a module and share it with the community, since it doesn't seem to exist (yet). Anyway, best of luck!