Hello to all.
I have just started reading the Odoo developer tutorial.
I'm starting to be quite advanced, and thinking about it I'm having a little trouble rereading the code I wrote for the iterations on self.
class EstateProperty(models.Model):
_name = "estate.property
_description = "Estate property"
offers_ids = fields.One2many("estate.property.offer", "property_id",string="Offers")
def _compute_best_price(self):
for property_ in self:
offers_price = property_.mapped('offers_ids.price')
property_.best_price = max(offers_price) if len(offers_price) != 0 else 0
In this code, why do a loop on self.
From my understanding of the code I wrote when reading the tutorial, the modification of the price of a property offer leads to a calculation to determine the best offer (the most expensive)
Why changing the price of ONE offer leads to a loop on ALL the existing offers to recalculate their "best_price"?
I noticed that the following code (which seems more logical to read) also works
self.best_price = max(...)
I also noticed that displaying a calculated field in a "TREE" view crashes the application if you don't do a "for item on self".
So is the following logic OK ? :
- Do a loop on self on calculated fields to be displayed in a tree view
- No loop on self, in calculated fields to be displayed in a form view
Thanks in advance for your answers.