Hi all,
In my extension to hr.employee I utilize 1:n relation between user and employe: One (system) user has n related employees in user.employe_ids.
When the user logs in he is allowed his employe + child records only:
domain_force of ir.rule:
<field name="domain_force">[('id','child_of',user.employee_ids.id)]</field>
The domain rule works fine if there is 1:1 for user and employe. However, I cannot find a way to iterate through user.employee_ids and test child_of for a given employe_id.
Things I tried so far without success:
('id','child_of',[employe.id for employe in user.employee_ids])
causes an exception
2. Inheriting ir_rule:
def _eval_context(self):
res = super(IRRuleWithSiblings,self)._eval_context()
subordinates = []
for employe in self.env.user.employee_ids:
children = self.env['hr.employee'].search([('id', 'child_of', employe.id)])
for child_id in children:
res['subordinates'] = subordinates
return res
ir.rule record:
<field name="domain_force">['id','in',subordinates)</field>
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
Can anyone advice me how to iterate through user.employe_ids and check for siblings?