Have an Issue with my Odoo 9 install on Ubuntu 14.04, I've loaded around 40% of translations for es_DO , and translations where loading correctly 'till one day they stopped loading, and I've tried everything, deleting the terms directly on the Database (DELETE FROM ir_translation WHERE lang = 'es_DO';) , through the APP UI reloading terms, Synchronizing terms, (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33475354/why-are-some-items-not-translated-in-odoo) and still no luck... Have also checked logs on info level and nothing fishy seems to come up, have tried playing around with limit_memory_hard, limit_memory_soft, limit_request, limit_time_cpu, limit_time_real, workers and no luck either, Any Idea what the issue could be?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Have you tried updating your Odoo source code and then doing a -u all on the database to load in all .po files (which contain the translations) again?
Yes, Multiple time to no avail, didn't work.. Sadly...