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Operação não autorizada por meio eletrônico em razão de ultrapassado o prazo permitido.
The document isn't helpful, it says to change date to actual date but that isn't the issue here.

Author Best Answer

 Operação não autorizada por meio eletrônico em razão de ultrapassado o prazo permitido.

This issue used to happen only for a specific product(service code type) and was random. eg: for some orders, it would emit "NFSe for others it would show error message " Operação não autorizada por meio eletrônico em razão de ultrapassado o prazo permitido."
The error message isn't helpful because it doesn't say what is really wrong. the issue turned out to be Serie code which we were using 01 and that was giving us the issue.
Luckily I used NFS.
Then I searched what is standard code for this purpose and there is none but in practice 1 and 1A are used by people and both of them worked for me too.

Model code : 

NF-e : 55
CT-e. : 57
NFS-e : 1 or 1A ( no standard code but 01 lands in issue for some invoices and works for other, issue depends on the number of invoice)

